Wednesday, October 30, 2019

If Netflix has brought a golden age of television in America, can its Essay

If Netflix has brought a golden age of television in America, can its expansion into Europe and other markets bring a golden age for international television dramas too - Essay Example In terms of the information represented within The Atlantic, it is clear and apparent that Hollywood has effectively been able to adapt to an international scope for its films. The article also indicates that he has not been so fast. It is at this juncture that Netflix wishes to fill the void and provide original programming from a litany of different foreign nations around the globe (Thompson, 2013). However, there is hope for a high level of profitability in this sector; as the article from Slate underscores. Likewise, a hidden and somewhat unforeseen problem that Netflix faces within Europe is the fact that it must engaged with a multi-lingual region and offer a litany of different subscriber content within national borders that ascribes to the given linguistic nature of the region. Whereas the success of Netflix in the US and in Latin America is part and parcel due to the fact that these regions are defined by only two languages, the challenges faced within Europe are more comple x. Although this article is useful in representing the range and extent to which Netflix can hope to penetrate new markets, it is also limited in that it does not fully consider unique dynamics of how foreign markets could present unique challenges to the business model that Netflix has been able to exhibit to such a great deal of success so far. According to the Slate piece, entitled, â€Å"The International Language of Tube†, service providers such as Netflix are open to capitalize on a market shift that is coming to be exhibited; one in which the consumer’s frustration with traditional television corresponds to the increased demands for the shows and entertainment that this traditional technology provides (Thomas, 2014). Moreover, the article cautions that traditional TV should be highly wary of the potential for firms such as Netflix to dominate the market; due

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ebonics & Education Essay Example for Free

Ebonics Education Essay The Ebonics controversy in America has developed into a major conflict over the years. It has become a more serious concern within the public school system. The complex where the nation’s school systems lower their expectations of black youth to coincide with the patterns of Ebonics, the word used to refer to African American Vernacular English, has resulted in an epidemic where blacks graduate from High School reading three grade levels below their white counterparts. For the multiple number of theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon, very few have been able to counter the adverse culture that has developed in America as a product of Ebonics being considered a valid dialect. A wide range of theorists and politicians have used the American educational system as a platform on which to gain civil approval. There is a popular consensus that income designates the quality of one’s education in America. This state of socioeconomic prejudice has a detrimental effect on the face of our society. It can be argued that a single standard curriculum should be equally implemented and taught throughout the nation, and that this curriculum should be similar to the elite executive curriculum, which Jean Anyon identifies as the best education our country has to offer in her article Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work. She identifies how many believe that private and public sector schools should be merged together, along with their curriculums (2006). She breaks down education into two curriculums, upper class and lower class, or working and executive class. Equalizing the differences between these two forms of education has always been the job of standardized testing. Initially standardized testing in America was used to asses one’s calculative ability. It is now being replaced, starting at the middle school level, with a format that revolves around authentic assessment (Wiggins, 1990). Authentic assessment is the direct evaluation of student performance through tasks that exercise their intellect. The tests are also known to evaluate creativity, listening and comprehension skills, experimental research in science, speaking and discussion skills and historical inquiry. It has been designed to replace traditional standardized testing, which means it eventually will be used in all schools across the nation to identify the intellectual elite. This is considered to be a major advent in education that will counter act the nation’s stigma of low expectations ushered in by the validation of Ebonics. A major cause of the low expectations placed on black youth in schools can partly be credited to those doing the research, as Kimberly Griffin points out in her article Striving for Success: A Qualitative Exploration of Competing Theories of High-Achieving Black College Students Academic Motivation, when she says, research on the academic performance of Black students has focused on low-achievers, framing their academic motivation as maladaptive and driven by externally (e. g. , competition or compliance) rather than internally (e. g. love of learning) generated forces (Griffin, 2006). This heavy focus on those blacks who have low quality achievement, has led to a neglect in the understanding of what drives the higher achieving students to be successful. Findings show that self-determination theory, socio-cognitive theory, and attribution theory cannot individually explain the motivation of these Black high-achievers. Instead, a multidimensional framework that incorporates all three models and that highlights internal and external sources of motivation best accounts for these students experiences (Griffin, 2006). Griffin goes on to cite an interview with a young black student that was less affluent than others. The dialogue reveals that the pressure of stereotypes and low expectations has a weighing effect on the level of effort and achievement that black students have in the class room. This is a stigma that is present whether the student is of a lower or higher class, but the lower the class of the student the even heavier the stereotypes are that weigh on them. I think probably intrinsically I might have felt at one point that I needed to try harder, because I was Black, to not be a stereotype . . . not just chill, you know, talk with Ebonics or stuff like—the stereotype that people have of Black people. I purposely try to steer away from that. I think thats certainly definitely, in a certain respect, thats true (Griffin, 2006). This pressure that stems from the inherent stereotypes perpetuated through the use of Ebonics is even further enhanced by a misunderstanding of this complex between the students and their teachers. Griffin points this out as well when she says, the fact that many [teacher education] students do not share the same ethnic, social, racial and linguistic backgrounds as their students may lead to cultural incongruencies in the classroom which can mediate against educational effectiveness( Griffin, 2006). It is Griffin’s belief that these incompatibilities between the black students and their predominantly white teachers results in a complex to be maladaptive, in a way that is very evident. These incompatibilities are evident in value orientation, behavioral norms and expectations and styles, social interactions, self presentation, communication and cognitive processing (Griffin, 2006). Griffin’s article proves that even the system through which these students are studied for the purpose of better improving their achievement is a vicious cycle itself filled with misunderstandings and blatant neglect of the methods that may actually be successful, specifically teaching methods like andragogy and reflective learning. Androgogy and reflective learning are two educational forms that have become very prevalent at the collegiate level. They are considered to be the two best teaching methods in educating adults. This has been found to be specifically true for pre-med and science majors in college, due to andragogy’s focus on authentic assessment (Kolb 2001, p. 1975). Authentic assessment is the direct evaluation of student performance through tasks that exercise their intellect. These evaluations tend to exercise their: creativity, listening and comprehension skills, experimental research in science, speaking and discussion skills and historical inquiry. It largely corresponds with standardized testing (Kolb 2001, p. 1975). Authentic assessment asks that students acquire knowledge and be able to practice logic as apposed to just being able to regurgitate pre-fed facts. The main characteristics of these evaluations, is that they apply standardized test curriculum to real life circumstances. Authentic assessment is the product of a reform in education. This shift is to make standardized testing less drill oriented and applicable to what is expected will be necessary in the students’ adult life. These tests hold students to higher standards as well as create a growing body of accurate awareness pertaining to student learning. This way the teacher learns from the student as well. The key argument these test pose is that for the traditional testing method, the right answers are not rationales. This basically acknowledges that the level of logic required for traditional standardized tests is lacking. This is due to a relationship that involves test takers who simply cram for their tests, and instructors who feel the tests have no relevance to their teaching ability. This is a common occurrence that has resulted in resentment for traditional standardized testing on the behalf of both parties involved. Authentic assessment is a genuine push towards the implementation of more authentic tasks. Instructors find it easier to apply these tasks to their curriculum and students find it easier to assess what is expected of them. It is considered a form of improving overall performance, in a testing system traditionally structured solely to monitor it. This fault in western education is the main catalyst for shifts in standardized testing that focus more on authentic assessment and experiential learning. Medical students and students pursuing the sciences, like psychology or sociology, are expected to have certain skills appropriate for the practice of their profession. This requires a form of learning that can assesses curriculum and then apply it to real life situations. As well as the medical and science field, andragogy and reflective learning is being used to enhance the productivity of multimillion dollar corporations. Experiential learning thus involves a, direct encounter with the phenomena being studied rather than merely thinking about the encounter, or only considering the possibility of doing something about it. (Borzak 1981: 9 quoted in Brookfield 1983). This sort of learning is sponsored by an institution and might be used on training programmes for professions such as social work and teaching or in field study programmes such as those for social administration or geography courses. Kolb, David A. , ‘david a. kolb on experiential learning’ Kolb breaks down understanding of experiential learning into an understanding of the American educational systems use of the field trip and project based learning (Kolb 2001, p. 1975). While project based learning is considered to be one of the best methods of learning for all individuals because it promotes authentic assessment, and thus provides young black students especially to expand their understanding of the Western culture from which they have been systematically alienated, it is also very expensive to organize. Anyon discovers that the majority of contemporary textbook instruction is designed for the working class. PBL programs are usually not supported in public schools because of the amount of funding they require. This discrepancy is usually applicable to public schools and whether one is located near high income housing or low income housing. Jonathan Kozol describes the discrepancies between these two types of schooling in his interview with Marge Scherer. In the interview titled, On Savage Inequalities: A Conversation with Jonathan Kozol, he talks about his experience in St. Louis and how the schools in low income areas, which are predominantly black, barely have money for water, while the schools near by in the wealthier districts could buy advanced school supplies as well as carryout project based learning, such as field trips. Kozol credits this problem to the use of property tax to fund schools in low income areas. He states: we ought to finance the education of every child in America equitably, with adjustments made only for the greater or lesser needs of certain children. And that funding should all come from the collective wealth of our society, mainly from a steeply graduated progressive income tax. (Kozol) This particular tax could make project based learning more affordable, which would be the most influential step to improving classroom education. The most common contemporary example of PBL is dissecting insects and animals. It has become an American tradition and almost a right of passage in high school. Project Based Management has a very beneficial influence on the education of our country. One might wonder why it’s not the only curriculum used. The use of chaperones, instructional tools, and methods of transportation are often required and considered expensive. The benefit is that people tend to remember more from their field trips than textbook lessons and many of these labs require authentic assessment, which is good considering the new shift in standardized testing. The downfall is in the fact that authentic assessment is dependent on the student’s past experiences. This allows for some projects to result in the isolation of certain students. The inner city children are deprived because their school systems can’t afford implementing PBL curriculums. Chairperson of the Department of Education at Rutgers University, in her essay From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work Jean Anyon analyzes the nature of underprivileged education. Anyon argues that depending on their social class, different levels of educations are available to young people. This mostly applies to schools in different districts and social communities and it can particularly be seen in the difference between private and public schooling. To make the concept clear, she further applies this to a description of a kind of mental segregation happening within the classroom; in which, students sitting next to one another are rewarded differently solely based on their socioeconomic standing in the community. She does this by pointing out that, students in different social-class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behaviors that correspond to personality traits allegedly rewarded in the different occupational strata – the working classes for docility and obedience, the managerial classes for initiative and personal assertiveness. (Anyon) This is the key ideal of Anyon’s theory. An example of the theory at work can be seen in research that finds project based learning prepares students for more abstract assessment, and prepares them to handle real world situations, as opposed to those in the textbook. PBL is most prevalent in private and high income community public schools. This creates a system where the students taught in the private schools are taught to think independently in a rational but unconfined way, while the lower income children are only taught to follow instructions. These differing perspectives on education have had a controversial and conflicting history in America. Gary Colombo based much of his research on this conflict. Gary Colombo argues that the majority of the Founding Fathers were wealthy conservatives who were honestly opposed to democracy. This signifies them as an elitist class constructing laws that will better maintain their control of the government. Their initial goal was to keep power in the hands of the wealthy, and prevent the majority from realizing their strength. One major modern day justifications for this elitist view is that, these framers were the same men who risked their lives for the good of others by signing the declaration of independence, and they are getting what is owed to them. It is Garry Colombo’s view that these patriots did not intend to revolutionize democracy, but that their sole intention was to gain independence from Britain in order to get the country out of their pockets. Aware that the Constitution would be opposed by the working class, who made up the majority of the people, the construction of the deceleration and its signing were held in private. The media was used conceal the constitution’s actual goal, while at the same time to persuade people in its favor. Along with a literate media Colombo points out that the American government found it necessary, particularly during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, to promote and finance a literate working class. It is Colombo’s view that the sole purpose of their education was to develop individuals who would maintain the nation. These educated individuals were viewed as secondary to their task. This is the first sign in American history of education being used to exploit people for the benefit of the government. By identifying the failure of Thomas Jefferson to educate the Native American people, Colombo shows that American education was initially designed with absolutely no regard for the people. He best displays this conflict when he cites a letter written by a Native American to the President. our ideas of this kind of education happen not to be the same with yours†¦several of our young people were formerly brought up at the college of the northern provinces they were instructed in all your sciences; but when they came back to us, they were bad runners; ignorant of every means of living in the woods; unable to bear either cold or hunger; knew neither how to build a cabin, take a deer, or kill an enemy†¦they were totally good for nothing. (Colombo) Here Colombo identifies that, quality in education is deemed only as good as its ability to assimilate one into the culture in which they live. This assimilation is not one that produces equal opportunity for its participants. As previously proven by Anyon, socioeconomic conditions impede this dream dramatically from coming into fruition. In sum, Anyon argues that today’s working class curriculums center more on teaching black students to follow instructions rather than teaching them how to authentically assess problems. She undeniably proves that the children of higher income families are not taught in this fashion, and they are steered more towards developing skills in problem solving and decision making. Ebonics only further expands this gap between classes, considering the level of stereotypes that come along with its practice and the powerfully influential stigma that blacks are subject to as a result. If students are subject to the exact same nationwide testing, it would only be just that they receive the same educational curriculums. By using Ebonics in the school system, the nation is alienating blacks from the main stream through both class and race. Lower income students are being herded into remedial work, while the upper class students are being prepared for executive positions. This is an immoral practice, but there are risks that can occur if Anyon’s elitist curriculum is equally distributed throughout the country. Everyone can not manage the corporation some have to toil for the sake of the company. The working class may potentially have a better understanding of executive duties, if Anyon’s curriculum is implemented. With a greater appreciation for the business structure, working class employees may be educated enough to demand more benefits from their companies. The end result of implementing Anyon’s theory is that there will be a more diverse group of qualified candidates from which corporations select. This makes the face of corporate America as cultured as the nation it’s in, and it eliminates much of the disadvantaging prejudice that comes with elitism. This is proof that it is wise to utilize Anyon’s elite curriculum throughout all school systems. Every income scale should be accessible among all races and nationalities, but to assume that the children of high income families will work remedial jobs so the poor can be executives is irrational. Anyon’s curriculum must be set into action with the hope that it levels the playing field, and Ebonics needs to be abolished as a credible English vernacular.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hybrid Cars Essay -- essays research papers fc

Hybrid Automobiles The technology of the electric vehicle has been around for a long time but faded as the gasoline powered engine became more popular. Now, the future of electric vehicles is very bright. Their impacts are very significant that ranges from the economic point of view and also from the environmental. Imagine driving a quieter, cleaner car with the windows down letting the clean pollution-free air flow throughout the car. Production of the advancing technological electric vehicle can trigger this idea to come into effect. The problem of this technology was to research the development and impacts of the electric vehicle. At the turn of the 19th Century, when automobiles were new, electric vehicles outnumbered gasoline-powered vehicles. The problem for the electric car was that electric battery technology did not improve nearly as fast as gasoline technology and by 1910 the interest in the development of the electric vehicle had all but ceased (Sedgwick 15). Today, the current surge of interest in electric vehicles replacing the internal combustion engine, or ICE, is due to mostly one concern, air quality. The world’s population of cars is polluting the world’s cities, producing large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The electronic vehicle is driven by a battery that runs exclusively on electric. The batteries that exist today have a limited range between fifty and seventy-five miles per full charge. Newer prototype batte...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Seed Germination

The time that a seed germinates, and whether or not it actually does germinate, depends on many factors. These factors include; the chemical environment, which must be the right conditions; oxygen must be present, and inhibitory chemicals must not be present. Germination also depends on the physical environment. Temperatures must be suited to the seed, and light quality and quantity must also be suited to the needs of the seed. In some cases, all these conditions are met, and still, the seed fails to germinate. This is because the seed is said to be dormant (Bewley and Black 1985). Seed dormancy is a short-lived deficiency, or block of an able seed to complete germination under suitable conditions. There are two different types of dormancy, embryo, and coat dormancy (Kucera et al.2005). Embryo dormancy is mostly common in woody species, but can also be found in blossoming plants as well. Coat dormancy is when the tissues that enclose the seed are too tight and the seed cannot overcome the constraint. Seeds can be released from dormancy through being chilled, sometimes for several weeks, or sometimes even months, at temperatures of one to five degrees Celsius. This means that seeds that rely on such ways of dormancy must wait for the cold seasons to pass before they can germinate (Bewley and Black 1985). Many seeds can germinate with, or without light, but the plants that require light, are called photoblastic, and are controlled by the phytochrome (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Phytochrome has two descriptions, the first one, Phytochrome red (Pr), is transformed by red light, to the second form, phytochrome far red (Pfr). Far red radiation can reverse the whole process. Phytochrome far red absorbs far red light (730nm), and phytochrome red absorbs red light (660nm) (Toyomasu et al. 1997). Seeds that are grown in darkness don’t germinate unless they are exposed to red light for a short period of time. For a red light to be effective, water content in the seed must be at 15%, because dry seeds do not respond to red light. In lettuce seeds that are matured naturally, phytochrome is most commonly in the form of phytochrome red, and in the dehydrated form, the conversion to phytochrome for red light is not possible (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Lettuce is an important vegetable cultivated worldwide, and requires high quality seeds. Lettuce seeds are unable to germinate in the dark, and are unable to germinate at high temperatures. These characteristics affect the rates that new seeds are developed (Metzger et al. 2009). Light is a very important factor in releasing seeds from dormancy. Seeds can be affected by being exposed to white light from just a few seconds, to or even minutes, others require intermittent light. The light frequency that is required depends on the temperature. Lettuce seeds that are bought in stores are usually treated to improve the germination process, even when lots of light is unavailable. Although, light sensitive leaves need a lot higher levels of phytochrome far red light to bring the seed out of dormancy (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Using all the information I have gathered, I hypothesised that the red light and white light would cause a greater percentage of germination than the other lights, because they produced more far red light. Methods The lettuce seeds that we used (Lactuca sativa Tango), were dried and stored at 22oC until we used them. We used gibberellin acid (GA3) of ≠¥ 90% purity, at the following concentrations; 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6. The red light source we used was gathered by filtering white light that came from a twenty-five watt fluorescent bulb, through two layers of dark red cellophane paper. We got the far red light by a forty watt incandescent bulb. The light was then filtered through a container containing 10cm of water, which was placed above the two layers or red and blue cellophane. The white light we obtained was taken from a sixty watt light bulb. Twenty to thirty-five lettuce seeds were placed on two layers of whatman No. 1 filter paper, and all seeds were equally controlled in a room with a green light bulb. In each dish, 5ml of distilled water was added, along with 5ml of its appropriate GA3 solution. The dishes were wrapped in one layer of tin foil, and put in a darkened box. A control was also prepared. The seeds were added to a dish with distilled water. All the experiments were conducted at the same temperature, 24oC. When everything was ready, to figure out how many seeds were germinating, we counted how many seeds in each petri dish had a white radical coming out if it. When we were done, we recorded our results, and pooled them with the rest of the class (Migabo 2011). Seed Germination The time that a seed germinates, and whether or not it actually does germinate, depends on many factors. These factors include; the chemical environment, which must be the right conditions; oxygen must be present, and inhibitory chemicals must not be present. Germination also depends on the physical environment. Temperatures must be suited to the seed, and light quality and quantity must also be suited to the needs of the seed. In some cases, all these conditions are met, and still, the seed fails to germinate. This is because the seed is said to be dormant (Bewley and Black 1985). Seed dormancy is a short-lived deficiency, or block of an able seed to complete germination under suitable conditions. There are two different types of dormancy, embryo, and coat dormancy (Kucera et al.2005). Embryo dormancy is mostly common in woody species, but can also be found in blossoming plants as well. Coat dormancy is when the tissues that enclose the seed are too tight and the seed cannot overcome the constraint. Seeds can be released from dormancy through being chilled, sometimes for several weeks, or sometimes even months, at temperatures of one to five degrees Celsius. This means that seeds that rely on such ways of dormancy must wait for the cold seasons to pass before they can germinate (Bewley and Black 1985). Many seeds can germinate with, or without light, but the plants that require light, are called photoblastic, and are controlled by the phytochrome (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Phytochrome has two descriptions, the first one, Phytochrome red (Pr), is transformed by red light, to the second form, phytochrome far red (Pfr). Far red radiation can reverse the whole process. Phytochrome far red absorbs far red light (730nm), and phytochrome red absorbs red light (660nm) (Toyomasu et al. 1997). Seeds that are grown in darkness don’t germinate unless they are exposed to red light for a short period of time. For a red light to be effective, water content in the seed must be at 15%, because dry seeds do not respond to red light. In lettuce seeds that are matured naturally, phytochrome is most commonly in the form of phytochrome red, and in the dehydrated form, the conversion to phytochrome for red light is not possible (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Lettuce is an important vegetable cultivated worldwide, and requires high quality seeds. Lettuce seeds are unable to germinate in the dark, and are unable to germinate at high temperatures. These characteristics affect the rates that new seeds are developed (Metzger et al. 2009). Light is a very important factor in releasing seeds from dormancy. Seeds can be affected by being exposed to white light from just a few seconds, to or even minutes, others require intermittent light. The light frequency that is required depends on the temperature. Lettuce seeds that are bought in stores are usually treated to improve the germination process, even when lots of light is unavailable. Although, light sensitive leaves need a lot higher levels of phytochrome far red light to bring the seed out of dormancy (Kendrick and Russell 1975). Using all the information I have gathered, I hypothesised that the red light and white light would cause a greater percentage of germination than the other lights, because they produced more far red light. Methods The lettuce seeds that we used (Lactuca sativa Tango), were dried and stored at 22oC until we used them. We used gibberellin acid (GA3) of ≠¥ 90% purity, at the following concentrations; 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6. The red light source we used was gathered by filtering white light that came from a twenty-five watt fluorescent bulb, through two layers of dark red cellophane paper. We got the far red light by a forty watt incandescent bulb. The light was then filtered through a container containing 10cm of water, which was placed above the two layers or red and blue cellophane. The white light we obtained was taken from a sixty watt light bulb. Twenty to thirty-five lettuce seeds were placed on two layers of whatman No. 1 filter paper, and all seeds were equally controlled in a room with a green light bulb. In each dish, 5ml of distilled water was added, along with 5ml of its appropriate GA3 solution. The dishes were wrapped in one layer of tin foil, and put in a darkened box. A control was also prepared. The seeds were added to a dish with distilled water. All the experiments were conducted at the same temperature, 24oC. When everything was ready, to figure out how many seeds were germinating, we counted how many seeds in each petri dish had a white radical coming out if it. When we were done, we recorded our results, and pooled them with the rest of the class (Migabo 2011).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Psyc101 Psychological Disorders Schizotypal Personality Disorder The cluster A disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, is not to be confused with Schizophrenia. It is on the milder end of the spectrum but can still have extreme effects on one’s life and relationships. The disorder, which affects nearly 3% of the population, can be defined by several different behaviors and has many symptoms. Unlike schizophrenia, the people with this disorder can acknowledge their behavior but still may not want or seek treatment.A person with schizotypal personality disorder will have trouble with interpersonal relationships and can display what is described as odd or unusual behavior. They are not comfortable in social settings or surrounded by groups of unknown people. Someone with this disorder will tend to be a loner especially if there are no immediate family members around. Due to a lack of social skills or feelings of inadequacy they may never marry nor have children because they c annot relate to others in a normal way.Often characterized by odd thinking and beliefs, paranoid thoughts, distorted perception and a lack of close friends, there are other symptoms as well. One may be prone to delusions or hallucinations, be superstitious or believe they have ESP (extrasensory perception). Persons may dress in abnormal ways such as mismatched clothes or dirty clothes and may not even attend to their personal hygiene.Individuals with this disorder feel so disconnected and distant from the rest of society that some of these symptoms arise as way for them to have something to cling to in hopes of being able related to something or someone. Therapy, including one on one, couple or group, and medication can be used to help someone with schizotypal personality disorder to function. Some of the therapies would require the person to interact and â€Å"bond† with the therapist in order to learn social skills such as trust.A therapist may also try to teach someone wit h the disorder how to correctly respond to people with actions or expressions and can try to alter their paranoid ideas to improve relational connections. Medications cannot treat the disorder, however, certain ones can help alter moods or treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Individuals with a personality disorder such as Schizotypal may have odd or eccentric behaviors and isolate themselves from others. Many symptoms of this disorder cannot be treated with drugs and with urging people may not seek therapeutic forms of treatment.In conclusion, a person with this disorder can remain lonely and distant with little interaction with society and will never experience the joy and happiness of a â€Å"normal† life. Works Cited Mayo Clinic Staff. â€Å"Schixotypal Personality Disorder. † MayoClinic. com. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. October 8, 2010. Web. October 8, 2012. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/schizotypa-personality-disorder/DS00830/ Mi nddisorders. com. Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. n. d. Web. October 8, 2012. http://www. minddisorders. com/Py-Z/Schizotypal-personality-disorder. html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Friendship †The Sail That Keeps You Going

â€Å"If you’ll do that†¦.I’ll do that†. Friendship is the most wonderful relationship that anyone can have. Ideally friend is a person who offers love and respect and doesn’t expect awards for it. To have friendship is to have comfort. For instance we will look at some pieces of literature that are about friendship. â€Å"Driving Miss Daisy†, â€Å"Oath of Friendship† and â€Å"Bridge Over Troubled Water†. â€Å"Driving Miss Daisy† is a play from the late era of Ku-Klux-Klan, when the discrimination against Jews and Blacks has shoved up its tasks. But as the peace’s dove fly through the dark skies so the friendship has fly thru hates and fleers till it get to our characters that we are going to look at. They are Hoke and Miss Daisy. Miss Daisy who is a retired teacher is 72+ years old and her ability to drive it’s kind of gone. So when she accidentally drives into the neighbors courtyard her son is constrained to hire a chauffeur for her. When a friendship it’s starting it is not needed from all to agree to become friends. But an other part can be gained by how one of them acts. For example Hoke is not obsequious. He is very wise. His strategy is to express verbal agreement in such a way that actual agreement is witheld. If Miss Daisy does not want to be driven to the Piggy Wiggly market, well then Hoke will fallow her in the car. After a while Miss Daisy a grees to be driven and eventually, she and Hoke begin to learn about one another. Neither one is quick to reveal emotion, and for a successful friendship is needed that both has to give up a little from them. But giving up has never been an option for Miss Daisy. When she goes to listen to a speech by Martin Luther King, for example, she has Hoke drive her; but although she has an extra ticket, i... Free Essays on Friendship – The Sail That Keeps You Going Free Essays on Friendship – The Sail That Keeps You Going Friendship – it’s only a word but how much does it means. Friendship as the marriage has to be unconditional. Unconditional means without conditions. Without those extra words â€Å"If you’ll do that†¦.I’ll do that†. Friendship is the most wonderful relationship that anyone can have. Ideally friend is a person who offers love and respect and doesn’t expect awards for it. To have friendship is to have comfort. For instance we will look at some pieces of literature that are about friendship. â€Å"Driving Miss Daisy†, â€Å"Oath of Friendship† and â€Å"Bridge Over Troubled Water†. â€Å"Driving Miss Daisy† is a play from the late era of Ku-Klux-Klan, when the discrimination against Jews and Blacks has shoved up its tasks. But as the peace’s dove fly through the dark skies so the friendship has fly thru hates and fleers till it get to our characters that we are going to look at. They are Hoke and Miss Daisy. Miss Daisy who is a retired teacher is 72+ years old and her ability to drive it’s kind of gone. So when she accidentally drives into the neighbors courtyard her son is constrained to hire a chauffeur for her. When a friendship it’s starting it is not needed from all to agree to become friends. But an other part can be gained by how one of them acts. For example Hoke is not obsequious. He is very wise. His strategy is to express verbal agreement in such a way that actual agreement is witheld. If Miss Daisy does not want to be driven to the Piggy Wiggly market, well then Hoke will fallow her in the car. After a while Miss Daisy a grees to be driven and eventually, she and Hoke begin to learn about one another. Neither one is quick to reveal emotion, and for a successful friendship is needed that both has to give up a little from them. But giving up has never been an option for Miss Daisy. When she goes to listen to a speech by Martin Luther King, for example, she has Hoke drive her; but although she has an extra ticket, i...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Physician and American Golfer Tom Essay

Physician and American Golfer Tom Essay Physician and American Golfer Tom Essay Blaming the Doctor For physicians a god like perspective is brought forth by society. Brain Goldman explains this in his video â€Å"Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that?’ Goldman puts very simply that if a baseball player clears the ball 3 out of 10 times its good, and if he can clear it 4 out of 10 times he’s amazing, but in the medical world what would truly want are doctors or surgeons only to do things right 4 out of 10 times. The answer is no! When it comes to are health or even the health of our loved ones we want absolute perfection. As a society I believe we are to blame for the needs of doctors to cover up misdiagnosis, and take firm belief that medical inaccuracies could be lessened if doctors were able to admit mistakes freely without fear of what the outcome could be. American golfer Tom Watson captured the world's attention. If he had won at age 59 he would have been the oldest winner of the golfing championship. He captured my attention after he narrowly lost. Watson could have blamed his caddy, his clubs, or loud fans for his defeat. Instead he said plainly, "I put myself in a position to win but I did not get it done." He admitted that the errors leading to his defeat were his alone. If only more physicians had that same sense of responsibility about owning up to medical errors. It's easy, for example, to shrug off hospital infections. A decade ago, the Institute of Medicine published "To Err Is Human," a ground-breaking report that focused on the epidemic of medical errors in the U.S. Some of the nation's most respected physicians wrote it, and many doctors endorsed it. The report recommended changing hospital and physician practices to reduce errors. Those recommendations included publicly disclosing errors and safety concerns. Since then, b illions have been spent studying the problem, but not much has Tens of thousands of people continue to die each year because of errors. It's difficult or impossible to determine who or what was responsible for a medical mistake or hospital-acquired infection. But often we know that an error was the culprit, not the disease or the patient. Administrators worry that if they acknowledge errors, doctors and staff will be afraid to report them. But is that fair to patients who might have been harmed? They deserve to know what happened. The patients and families deserve an apology from staff who take responsibility for the error. Until our health-care system gets its act together, patients and their families will have to be constructively assertive to get to the bottom of any mishaps In an ideal world, the only factors that would go into a physician's decisions would be his or her years of clinical training and an assessment of what's best for the patient. Unfortunately, healthcare isn't that simple. A

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When to use on and when to use in

When to use on and when to use in When to use on and when to use in When to use on and when to use in By Maeve Maddox Nate asks: What are the proper usages of the words in and on in a sentence? I often confuse the two. Here are some examples: The boat is in/on the water, We are in/on the planet, Were going to the concert in/on July 1st. The use of prepositions in English is frequently idiomatic. General guidelines exist, but be prepared to learn individual expressions in which the preposition does not adhere to the guidelines. In the case of the prepositions in and on, here are the most usual uses. In in mainly denotes rest at: PLACE: He lives in the country. He lives in Chicago. (BUT, He lives at 2300 Wabash Ave.) TIME: Ill be there in an hour. MANNER: The child ran down the steps in tears. REFERENCE: In my opinion we need a referendum. They are happy in their marriage. On on indicates proximity and position above or outside: PLACE: He sat on the fence. TIME: He was not thinking well on that occasion. REFERENCE: He asked my opinion on the matter. CONDITION: Well hire him on your recommendation. The examples given in the question: We are on the planet. We are going to the concert on July 1. But We are going to the concert in July. As for the example about the boat, either is correct, according to what is meant: The boat is in the water. (As opposed to being on dry land for the winter) The boat is on the water. (Look at all those boats out there on the water!) However, it would be unidiomatic to say The ship is in the ocean or in the sea, unless you mean that it has sunk. The ship is on the sea. Related to the question of when to use in is that of when to use into. While in denotes the state of being at rest in a place, or at least being (in a sense) surrounded by something, into denotes motion towards: The dog jumped into the water. The children (who were already in the water) jumped in the water. When deciding whether to use in or into, ask yourself if the person or thing you are talking about is moving from one place to another. If so, use into. More about prepositions in later posts. Stay tuned! Video Recap Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?Comma Before Too?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health promotion in physical activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health promotion in physical activity - Essay Example This essay "Health promotion in physical activity" outlines how the modern lifestyle affects the level of obesity and the significance of the physical activity for the good health. The World Health Organization in 2004 implemented the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) which calls on member states, the private sector and public sector to implement policies that help in reducing and preventing chronic disease. The European Charter on Countering Obesity was also formed by WHO member states in the region on 16 November, 2006. However, even with the combined efforts of states in Europe, obesity is still on a continuous rise with alarming predictions of its prevalence in the future. Policies implemented to curb the pandemic need to focus on making the healthy choices easy, natural and desirable to the target groups. Four main sectors are tasked with the responsibility of incorporating physical activity in the lives of the citizens as much as possible. They are health, transport, urban planning and environment and occupation sectors.The health sector can start by promoting and engaging in inter-sectorial work at all levels, ensuring that health practitioners are motivated to promote physical activity to the public and also to lead by example. The transport sector needs to address the safety needs of cyclists and pedestrians, link with the health sector to harmonize their policies and to communicate the benefits of physically active transport as compared to using cars.

Beyond the Need for a House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Beyond the Need for a House - Essay Example From these numerous studies, "I'm Tired of Being a Slave to the Church Floor" by John Stackhouse, "The Homeless: Are We Part of the Problem" by Jack Layton, "Life on the Streets" by Thomas O'Reilly Fleming, and "No Room of Her Own" by CMHC, Sylvia Novac, J. Brown are used to support the arguments of this paper. One common theme of these articles is the identification of what causes homeless as well as how it can be solved. Meanwhile, in the pursuit of resolving homelessness, various sectors of the society are determining the root cause of homelessness often attributing it to structural problems like uneven wealth and power distribution, poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and housing shortages. This is often due to the widespread belief that problems in shelter are more economic and structural in nature. However, homelessness should not be looked at just the lack of a permanent physical structure to settle into but the individual's lack of belongingness and comfort. The real root of homelessness goes beyond the broad economic and societal issues present in the community to more specific and deeper needs for emotional shelter. The National Coalition for the Homeless cites seven major causes of homelessness four of which are structural problems. ... Unemployment on the other hand limits the ability of an individual to generate income in order to afford a decent house. People who are unemployed generally lack money to rent a place to stay that's why they prefer streets and shelters. Homelessness is also blamed to the inadequate or lack of social intervention from the government. Declining welfare is also synonymous with only few people benefiting from it. These aforementioned structural issues and the respective explanation on how they contribute to the problem of homelessness fail to tell the true story. It is partly true that homelessness can be explained by the imperfections in the economic structure. However, if that is the case, we should expect countries which are more economically developed like the United States to have less or no occurrence of homelessness. Furthermore, the articles under consideration reveal that the cause of homelessness goes beyond these structural issues. Stackhouse, Layton, O' Reilly Fleming, and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CHMC) provided support to the argument that homelessness is also caused by individual factors unique to each homeless. Stackhouse's account which relates the situation of BJ disproves the assumption that all homeless cannot afford a home. It should be noted that BJ, a panhandler living in the streets of Toronto, has a two-story home in Newfoundland (230). Also, being unemployed is not always a reason why people seek shelters. Stackhouse recounts the story of an "overnight guest" who earns $600 to $700 each week by hauling scrap metals to dumps. The support from the government may well be useless as some homeless like Jake do not collect their welfare. Thus, using structural

Friday, October 18, 2019

MLA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MLA - Essay Example The organization needs are that its services marketed, customers serviced and revenues earned. A units or divisions targets and objectives will be achieved by following a strategy and implementing it. How making the goals and objectives public will aid in this seems doubtful. At the most it may serve the overall objective of the company of being transparent in its dealings with its customers. Sharing company's objectives on issues like profitability may be even unwise. At the operational level, customers would be more interested in the level of service he receives and the value he derives from his purchase of services. Information on targets and objectives will be irrelevant for the existing customer. A new customer is unlikely to walk in after reading the objectives now made available to him, if at all in the first place he is induced to read it. Making the customers aware of the objectives is a subtle marketing exercise. If the manager in Thailand decides to target high net worth individuals and wants to add them to his account, surely the wrong thing to do would be to post it on the notice board. An organizations strategic intent and image is better conveyed through its promotional efforts, especially if it has unique and differentiated services to offer (focus on supporting technologies related to better environment). Making public short term and medium term goals could supplement such specific service offerings or be part of promotional efforts. Ultimately the process of creating new customers and retaining them is through a branding process. A customer will associate himself with a brand that identifies his needs and serves him beyond his expectations every time he comes for a service or a product. Banks and Financial services operate in an oligopolistic market and availability of mundane unit/division level information on the objectives is of no use to customers or potential customers. On the contrary such disclosures may aid competition by having information available in advance and draw up its strategies and plans to counter the moves of HSBC. This could create problems to mangers at operational level to achieve their business goals and targets. Overall there does not seem to be any advantages for HSBC to disclose its unit level and division level medium and short term objectives. Any communication to the public at large on such issues should be done as a promotional issue. Would you recommend that HSBC use the MBO process to reward investment bankers and analysts according to results, even though key factors influencing performance can't be precisely predicted or controlled Explain The typical investment banking functions of an organization is to provide advisory services related to the finance of the company, which are strategic in nature. This includes services such as mergers, acquisitions and divestures, management of public issues, management of cross border funds, fund management, fund rising. "Investment banking is frequently used as a catch-all term. In reality, banks are made up of many divisions and investment bankers perform a range of different functions. Traditionally, investment banking

Urban economics paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Urban economics - Research Paper Example Aspects such as population, employment and poverty index among others will be discussed in this study. As a point of departure, the City of San Antonio is found in the United States with the population of 1, 409, 019, making it the seventh most populous city in the US. This population is an indication of 16% increase since the year 2000. The growth rate in this city has been cited to be high and San Antonio is ranked among the top ten in terms of growth in the last decade. The location of this city is towards the South west of the US. It is notable that, the city is attributed to features of other cities in the western urban, which include the sparsely populated places and a relatively low-density rate within the outskirts of the city. The climate of the City of San Antonio has an intermediary humid subtropical weather. During summer, the city experiences a relatively hot weather and during winter, the climate is mild and cold, especially at night. Consider the following image that indicates a section of the city of Antonio. The city covers an area size of 1, 205.4 km2 and land of 1, 193.7km2. In addition, the city has 5.78 square miles of water. In terms of supply of water, the city has been in need of water for expansion purposes and can only acquire this commodity by buying rights from the farmers (Thompson and Browne, 27) Like any other fast developing city with a relatively higher growth rate, the employment opportunities in most cases take an assorted trend due to the numerous dynamics that exists. For instance, the growing population of professionals both the youth and the experienced age of between 38 to 55years calls fro more job positions in both the formal and informal sectors. The employment opportunities in the City of San Antonio are pooled from both the private and public sectors. For instance, the job opportunities boost rose to 2.6% this year and the unemployment rate reducing to the minimum of the 4.6%. This

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Read questions and write answer about a few sentences Assignment - 3

Read questions and write answer about a few sentences - Assignment Example Statistical research involves the collection, interpretation, organization, analysis, and presentation of the data. In this case, statistical research requires careful planning of time and budgeting of resources involved in a successful outcome. In the article WSJ, the author takes us through two weddings based on the financial input. The expensive one does not result in a successful marriage while the less expensive one in most cases makes a successful marriage. Consequently, it can be concluded that what results from a successful statistical research are careful planning and wise spending of the available resources (Arends 3). In an article from, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau do revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm. In the event that a couple who is registered as an opposite sex couple but the name registered under male section appears to be a female name, the bureau considers the individual as the woman. Therefore, they assume that the couple is of the same sex hence changes its registration to same-sex marriage. The bureau argues that though doing this is unethical; the overall effect is minimal since it makes their data more accurate and realistic (Casselman). In the article written for GSA, the insights that I got concerning writing a recommendation letter is that it must be brief and in support of the candidate by emphasizing on the strengths, characters and weaknesses of the candidate. In regards to the other article designed for the students, the insights that come out clear are building rapport with the relevant professor and seeking for the recommendation letter in advance of the due

Adam Smith and Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adam Smith and Political Economy - Essay Example The quality of life and individual prosperity is determined by social and economic progress of individuals and the community at large (Bowie, Michaels and Solomon, 243). People should engage in activities that promotes fairness and unity in the society for common interest of the society. Therefore, individuals must show concern for others in the society, in order to achieve harmonious and significant living. The individual’s liberty in fulfilling social obligation is one of the driving forces of a nation development. People make their own choices without interference from others to maximize their personal gain. The choice to be made must satisfy a certain need in the society (Bowie, Michaels and Solomon, 264). Adam Smith perceived rivalry as an important element in an advancement of the nation. Exercising this personal liberty sets persons mind free to engage in activities which brings benefit to both individuals and to the community. This liberty has made people to choose the ir own activities to engage in. However, individual liberty should not obstruct the rights of other people in the society. No one is coerced to undertake any activity whatsoever. This is imperative for advancement of a nation because, people maximize their input in activities of their own choice (Bowie, Michaels and Solomon, 271). People have chance to select and competitively participate in economic activities of their own interest. If people work live without interfering with others affairs, this will promote peace and understanding in the society. Fairness should be the guiding principle in making decision to fulfill communal obligations. The communal regulations are set to guide individuals in choosing their own activities for economic progress (Bowie, Michaels and Solomon, 274). It is always essential to take into consideration the needs of the public before engaging in any activity. People should carry out those activities which will result to individuals benefit and serve the needs of the entire community. Therefore, it is fair to engage in activities of the society as an individual and try to avoid doing things which are likely to cause damage to other people. This means there is an extent to which a person can do things and going beyond the set principles will be unjust to the society. For example in business, traders should sell legal goods otherwise this will be unfair to the consumers. They should also sell those commodities at a fair price and avoid overexploiting the consumers. Fairness should guide them in deciding what to sell and the price at which they will sell those commodities to the public. Fairness will also ensure equality in the nation and people will have a sense of life. On the other hand, injustice limits achievement of individual goals and achievement of their obligations to the society. For example, if some students were allowed to cheat in an exam, this would be unfair to the society and negligence in fulfillment of their obligat ions (Bowie, Michaels and Solomon, 286). Therefore, fairness will determine the individuals’ performance towards their social obligations. Living a moral life is a triumph against evil. The author has emphasized on the importance of living a good life on earth. People should ensure uprightness in all their dealings

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Read questions and write answer about a few sentences Assignment - 3

Read questions and write answer about a few sentences - Assignment Example Statistical research involves the collection, interpretation, organization, analysis, and presentation of the data. In this case, statistical research requires careful planning of time and budgeting of resources involved in a successful outcome. In the article WSJ, the author takes us through two weddings based on the financial input. The expensive one does not result in a successful marriage while the less expensive one in most cases makes a successful marriage. Consequently, it can be concluded that what results from a successful statistical research are careful planning and wise spending of the available resources (Arends 3). In an article from, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau do revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm. In the event that a couple who is registered as an opposite sex couple but the name registered under male section appears to be a female name, the bureau considers the individual as the woman. Therefore, they assume that the couple is of the same sex hence changes its registration to same-sex marriage. The bureau argues that though doing this is unethical; the overall effect is minimal since it makes their data more accurate and realistic (Casselman). In the article written for GSA, the insights that I got concerning writing a recommendation letter is that it must be brief and in support of the candidate by emphasizing on the strengths, characters and weaknesses of the candidate. In regards to the other article designed for the students, the insights that come out clear are building rapport with the relevant professor and seeking for the recommendation letter in advance of the due

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cyber Incident Response for Blue Moon Financial Term Paper

Cyber Incident Response for Blue Moon Financial - Term Paper Example The company has been faced with several challenges with respect to addressing the network intrusion attacks and cyber security issues because it is ill equipped to deal with such issues. This paper discusses how I will deal with the active network intrusion attack in the company under various sub-topics. The first steps to take in the current scenario are to identify the nature of attack. I am the only person who is qualified and well trained to deal with such issues. Therefore, before informing anyone else about it, I will first find out the type of the attack targeted towards the company. This will be the first step towards stopping the attack because further steps cannot be initiated if the type of attack is not known well. Secondly, I will localize the source. This means that I have to use firewall and IDS logs to try to find out where the attack is coming from to be able to know whether the attack is coming from a compromised host or from the outside world. This is also essential in ensuring that the attack can be stopped as soon as possible (Sharma,, 2015). After this, the next step that I will take entails blocking the attack. Once it source and the nature of attack is clarified, I will take the necessary actions towards blocking it (Youssef, & Emam, 2011). These actions will include pulling the machines that have been attacked from the network, block the access to the network from that IP address if the attack is coming from outside. Depending on the type of the attack, I may have to use ISP if the attack is a DDoS attack. I will also backup the evidence of the attack by keeping the logs generated to ensure that I have a detailed account of the attack. I will also find other compromised machines and use appropriate tools to root out any other machines that have been attacked. The last aspect is to ensure that I do not

Monday, October 14, 2019

Expensive nature Essay Example for Free

Expensive nature Essay We can see that the maiden was not happy with the way in which her life changed when she uses the rhetorical question why did a great Lord find me out, To fill my heart with care? She is basically asking, Why did her life have to change when she was so happy and why did the lord have to fill her heart with care and worry whereas before she was blissful unaware of any problems surrounding her. She feels shame in the fact that she enjoyed her relationship with the lord woes me for joy thereof as in her time what she was engaging in would have been considered disgraceful. She feels used by the Lord and describes how if her hadnt come into her life she wouldnt be an unclean thing or if they had got married she could have been a dove and enjoyed a good life with him. The poet then starts to write of the cottage maidens feelings towards her cousin Kate. She describes the way the Lord grew tired of the cottage maiden and then decided to start a relationship with Kate and we get the inclination that the cottage maiden has feeling of jealousy but also anger towards this. She feels the Lord wanted Kate because she was good and pure she was a virgin and the fact that she wouldnt give in to the Lord made him want her even more. This makes the cottage maiden angry with herself for giving in to him and she goes on to describe how he bound Kate with his Ring and the neighbours just called her an outcast thing. This implies that she believes if she hadnt had sex with The lord maybe he would have married her instead of Kate. Now the cottage maiden is stuck in her old life, and is unhappy because now she has had a taste for higher things she is not contented with what she had before anymore. She sits and howls in dust while Kate is now enjoying what the cottage maiden used to have but to a higher extent You sit in gold and sing. In the next few stanzas the cottage becomes bitter towards her cousin and implies that She really loved him whereas her cousin Kate was bought by the lord, she says that if their situations had been switched she wouldnt have taken the Lord if he had been with her. The Maiden seems angrier with her cousin than she is with Lord but she feels betrayed by both of them. Although in the last stanza the maidens tone changes she begins to gloat. She realises that she has the one thing that her cousin Kate would like but cannot have, a baby. She knows her cousin worries about this but seems unsympathetic as she goes on to say how she will not being giving her son up and she is protective over him cling closer, closer yet. She knows that the lord would give lands for one but she seems to be saying tough to both of them and maybe thinks Kate is getting the punishment she deserves from god, seens as in those days a baby was seen as a gift from god. The cottage maiden loves her son more than anything else in her life and shows this by saying my shame, my pride she thinks she should be ashamed of him but she is not she still loves him dearly. In the seduction and Cousin Kate the male characters are portrayed very negatively.  Eileen McAuley describes a youth that met the young girl at the party. After the party he takes her to the docks in Liverpool, which have relevance to the way in which he perceives the young girl. The docks are typically associated with prostitutes, which suggests he doesnt think anymore of her than a cheap prostitute. This also comes to our attention when in the last line of the second stanza he muttered little slag. This lets us no without a doubt that he had no respect for her or had no intention of becoming involved in any kind of relationship with her past that night. He comes across as quite cheap from the way the author writes, leather jacket creaking madly Expensive leather is extremely quiet and soft, the fact that his jacket was creaking implies it was not of an expensive nature. He also spits in the river, trying to impress her but really just showing his vulgarity. He had obviously planned the night, which makes him seem quite seedy and perverted, he seems to be in control of the night, he sat down, he led her, and hed bought her more drinks. He seems to be the source of intoxicated state as he had been buying her drinks all night and he handed her the vodka at the river. The fact that he thinks he need to get her drunk before she will have any contact with him shows that maybe he doesnt really think that highly of himself anyway. The conversation between the couple is very one dimensional and shows the boy to be quite selfish as he only talks about subjects which concern or interest him and shows no interest in any subject relating or relevant to the young girl. The way the author describes how he spends his free time also gives us an insight into what type of boy the young girl is involved with. He says he spends most afternoons down by the river whilst he should be in school so the fact that hes a truant makes him seem less academic and clever and more juvenile. He also explains how he goes there alone so we get the inclination that maybe he doesnt have that many friends either or he could be antisocial. He says blatantly in from of the girl that he goes there with his dads magazines making him sound seedy and sweet paint thinner indicating that he abuses solvents. All in all he doesnt make himself sound to attractive to this young intelligent girl who is looking for the perfect partner to lose her virginit y to. He is very unromantic when it comes to seducing the young girl; in fact he is anything but seducing her hes just trying to grope her. The author writes about how he contrived to kiss her which again goes back to the way he had planned the night in advance but also shows us that he didnt have any interest in the girl he just wanted to use her for sex.  In Cousin Kate we do not find out about the Lord in such great detail but we get the inclination that he used his position and his money to trick the cottage maiden into a relationship when the author uses the phrase he lured me to his palace home. The word lured implying seediness and trickery. The author creates the Lord as a very fickle man who treats his women like clothing, wore them as eye candy until they were dirty and boring only to throw them away and change them for a better model. He became bored with the cottage maiden after she had had sex with him and decided to pursue her cousin Kate. He comes across as quite persistent to get his own way as he does not give up on Kate and he ends up marrying her, so he can finally get his own way which shows that he will go to extremes to get what he wants. He obviously feels that love is based upon possessions and not emotions as he tries to buy Kate with his lands and money not with his personality, this make him seem shallow. The setting for both poems is important, the seduction being set in the city and cousin Kate in the country has great relevance.  I touched upon the setting for the seduction earlier; the docks being associated with prostitution implies that the boy felt the girl was of that standard. Also the setting is not glamorous it is quite seedy and putrid. The way the author says towards the frightening scum on the water reflects on the dangerous situation that she has got herself involved in but also the word scum actually mirrors the boys character. The author also goes on to describe the Mersey, green as a septic wound and I think this simile on the setting also reflects in the situation as a whole, infectious and unrewarding. Also the setting for the second part of the poem is a bedroom, isolated from the rest of the world, showing the young girls emotions, her longing to be cut of from the rest of her surroundings. The setting is a contrast from the first part of the poem, whereas the city is bustling, busy and noisy, her room is secluded, quiet and lonely. The change in scenery reflects the change of tone and emotion. The choice of setting for Cousin Kate is quite straightforward; the countryside is perceived as a quite place full of nature and animals, unlike a city. A city is a more typical setting for a situation like the cottage maidens so the fact that it takes place in the countryside is even more ludicrous. Both authors use the settings to create effect but the effect they have on us is the complete opposite of each other. In the seduction the reader is supposed to relate the situation to the setting but in Cousin Kate it is used for shock effect and to make the situation seem more extreme as the countryside isnt the typical place youd expect her relations to be taking place.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reasons For Strategic Decision At Thai Airways

Reasons For Strategic Decision At Thai Airways An inspired and carefully considered business strategy can be used to guide a company to achieve greater profitability and success, as it is known that strategy can be viewed as plan, ploy, pattern, position and perspective (Kourdi 2009, p3). To those companies that rely on low price to attract customers, such as budget airlines, business strategy plays a significant role in their business. However, business strategy should be based on the understandings about competition and threats in the industry, micro and macro environment factors that affect the success of their business, and strengths and competitive advantages of the company. Only can business strategy that is based on these understandings be used to achieve success of business Question 1: Reasons for Launching a Low-cost Airline with Thai Airways Tiger Airways is going to launch a low-cost airline with Thai Airways, which will target domestic and international destinations within five hours flying times distance on the basis of Bangkok (Creedy 2001). There are many reasons that Tiger Airway launched this airline jointly with Thai Airways, and the following five reasons are the most important ones: To compete effectively. It can be seen from the case that, by joint venture, it is easier for Tiger Airways to grow its business in Thailand, and will compete effectively in this region with Jetstar and AirAsia (Creedy 2001). Additional network advantages. By joint venture, it will build better network relationship with Thai Airways and may have advantages to deal with future spread risk and competition, as Thai Airways becomes a partner rather than a competitor (Creedy 2001). Additional cost advantage. By possessing 49% of the joint venture, and other 51% owned by Thai Airways, Tiger Airlways has chance to use the advantage of Thai Airways to maintain and even strength its low cost advantage (Creedy 2001). To reduce risk. By additional network and cost advantages brought from this deal, Tiger Airways is capable to face further spread risk. Pan-regional strategy. This joint venture is an important step forward in Tigers pan-regional strategy. It is noted by CEO of Tiger Airways, Tony Davis, that Bangkok is one key South East Asian gateway within striking distance of both India and China (Creedy 2001). By additional network advantage from joint venture with Thai Airways, it becomes easier for Tiger Airways to implement this strategy. Reasons for Strategic Decision Tiger Airways decision of launching a new airline jointly with Thai Airways can be considered as a strategic decision. Reasons are stated as follows: This decision affected the long-term direction of Tiger Airways. As mentioned above, this decision was an important step forward for its pan-regional strategy (Creedy 2001). This decision helped achieve advantage for Tiger Airways. Additional network advantage with Thai Airways and cost advantages were achieved by this joint venture decision. This decision expanded the activities scope of Tiger Airways to low-cost flight to Bangkok/ Thailand, and might expand to India and China as well This decision had major resource implication. It is mentioned in the case that by 2015, 68 flights would be allocated to this low-cost airline (Creedy 2001). This decision created new opportunity for Tiger Airways. By this decision, Tiger Airways became more competitive with Jetstar and AirAsia, which created new opportunity for the growth of Tiger Airways (Creedy 2001). This decision affected operational decisions of Tiger Airways. Investment in this new airline needs to be taken into consideration by Tiger Airways. Obviously, this decision can be viewed as a plan, a ploy, a pattern, a position, a perspective. Therefore, it is a strategic decision. Macro Environment Analysis PESTEL model is a good technique that can be utilized to analyze macro environment factors that affect the industries, as well as low-cost airline industry. It contains six factors which are Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors (Robinson 2009, p75). Political: Government instability is a major factor to the low-cost airline industry. For example, the affairs of Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra and his Red-Shirt, led to a fatal drop in tourism industry, which may decrease the customer amount of low-cost airline industry (BBC 2010). Economical: Economy recession and financial crisis affected the profitability of low-cost airline industry players. A survey carried by Airline Business indicated that although revenue didnt show decline, profitability was affected by the financial crisis. Many players encountered a loss in 2008 compared to 2007 (Dunn 2009). Social: The attitude of income distribution and balancing work and leisure are factors that cant be neglected. People who are willing to distribute their money on travelling and their free time of leisure will increase the customer amount of the industry. Technological: Technology that makes standing seats for airlines available influence this low-cost airline industry seriously. The availability of standing seats for airlines will cut down the cost of industry will make it more attractive (BBC UK, 2010). Legal and Environmental: Employment laws, competition law, threat of natural causes, carbon dioxide emission are other factors of the low-cost airline industry. Question 2: Corporate Strategy, Business Level Strategy and Operational Strategy Corporate Level Strategy According to the definition from Collis and Montgomery (2005, p8), corporate level strategy can be defined as the way that a company uses to create value through configuration and coordination of its multimarket activities. There are three main emphases of this definition, value creation, configuration and multimarket activities. It is indicated in Appendix 1 that the corporate strategy of Tiger Airways is that: To create a portfolio of profitable routes throughout Asia and Australasia by establishing airlines in market where low-fare, low cost business model has exceptional potential for sustainable profitability with ancillary services such as luggage upsize, seat selector and sports equipment check-in. Business Level Strategy One model developed by Bowman called The Strategy Clock can be used to get good understanding about business level strategy, which relates competitive advantage to cost advantage and differentiation advantage. These successful strategies can be illustrated as following levels: Low price/ low added value, Low price, Hybrid, differentiation without price premium and Focused differentiation (Angwin et al 2007, p121) All these different strategy are classified based on two factors, price and value. It can be seen from Appendix 1 that the price of Tiger Airways is low because the company implement cost leadership strategy. Besides, compare to other airlines, the value added by Tiger Airways is limited. Luggage is limited to a certain size; seat selection will be charged. Only is purchased food or drink is allowed compare to free food and drink in SIA. Thus, the activities are low value-added. Therefore, based on these two factors, the business level strategy is Low price/Low added value. Operational Strategy According to the definition of Lowson (2002, p57) that operational strategy can be viewed widely as a value delivery strategy. It is all about decisions which helps create and deliver product/service, value to customers through companies core competencies. Therefore, the main operational strategy of Tiger Airways is to maintain and enhance the core competencies of low fare/ low cost. Many decisions have been made based on this strategy: Joint venture with Thai Airways to launch new airline. Install advanced 3-D weather radar to increase efficiency (Tiger 2010) Minimize service that charges customers on customers behalf. Question 3: Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters five forces model is one of the most well-known models in business literature that produce the competitive situation in any industry (Beamish Williams 2008 pp76-77). The five forces and their relations are indentified as follows: Threat of new entrants Threat of substitutes Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Intensity of rivalry Source: Caneval Ventures. Models on the dynamics of innovation. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants of the low-cost airline industry is very fierce (4 out of 5). Although the investment of setting up new airline companies is huge to those organizations which are not in the airline industry, it is feasible to other organizations which are already in airline industry to establish new companies which serve the low-cost airline industry. The establishment of Tiger Airways can be an example to support this point. Tiger Airways is partially by SIA, which is the leading airline service provider all over the world. Threat of substitutes Long distance coaches, trains, passenger ships, network and other airline service providers (such as SIA) are the main substitutes of the low-cost airline industry. It can be seen from Appendix 2 that, although the low-cost airline industry is a booming industry with high growth rate, Network airline service providers are still the main provider in the airline industry. And Long distance coaches and trains play much more significant role in transportation in countries such as China because of the poor development of air transport. Therefore, this threat is very high (3 out of 5). Bargaining power of buyers In low-cost airline industry, though customers are easy to find substitutes but these substitutes may cause higher price or take more time to reach their destinations. Therefore, the bargaining power of buyers is not so strong (2 out of 5). For example, it is clearly seen from Appendix 3 that SIA return ticket for travelling between Singapore and Hong Kong is around 100SGD expensive than that of Tiger Airways. Bargaining power of suppliers Obviously, the main supply of low-cost airline industry should be the aircrafts, and Boeing and Air Bus are the two suppliers of aircrafts to low-cost airline industry. It means that these two companies are in the position of monopoly. Therefore, their bargaining power is extraordinary strong (5 out of 5). Intensity of rivalry The intensity of rivalry of low-cost airline industry is not so fierce (2 out of 5). Although the core competency of low-cost airline players is low fare/low cost, they have regional characteristic, which means only few airline players are recognized by customers in a certain areas. For instance, in South East Asia, Tiger Airways and AirAsia are the two recognized players by customers. In conclusion of the analysis of Porters five forces model, the outcome can be summarized as the following picture. Low-cost airline industry is an attractive industry, as buyers dont have strong bargaining power, which means this market is a seller market; low threats of substitutes means low-cost airline is a good choice among the products or services. Besides, although bargaining power of suppliers is extraordinary high, every player in the industry will face this problem, and because of a booming industry with high growth rate, low-cost airline industry is an attractive industry. Question 4: Value Chain Analysis Porters value chain model is a typical value chain model, which state nine kinds of business activities (Wang 2007, p81). And these business activities are classified into assistant and basic activities, which can stated as below: Wang Weijun (2007). Integration and innovation orient to e-society. New York: Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. p81. However, this model aims at manufacture companies. Tiger Airways is in the industry of low-cost airlines, which is a service industry, therefore, the model needs to be modified based on the assumptions as follows: All the purchases are for infrastructure development purpose. Service is produced once purchase happens. Therefore, it can be seen from the case and other information from website and Tiger Airways 2010 annual reports that the value added activities are presented as follows: In the case, it is said that by 2015, 8 flights would be allocated to the new launched low-cost airline; this is the value-added activity which develops the infrastructure of Tiger Airways (Creedy 2001). In the annual report, it is stated that all new directors to the Board are briefed by Management on the Groups business activities, strategic directions, and will be sent for external training and development programmes. This is the value-added activities on manpower resource management (Annual report 2010). By this, Tiger Airways is able to make out better corporate, business level and operational strategies for the long-term development of the company and sustain the cost advantage as well. According to the media release of Tiger Airways, in 2010, by partnering with Honeywell, the company installed advanced 3-D weather radar enhance safety and passenger comfort. This can be viewed as a value-added activity based on technology development (Tiger 2010). The annual reported stated that by renewing contracts with airports, ground services, providers and other suppliers, and purchased two aircrafts from Airbus (own rather than lease), enabled Tiger Airways to further reduce operating cost and in tune increase value to customers (Annual report 2010). According to the website, extra service is provided such as luggage upsize, seat selection and as well as related service, for example, hotels, insurance and car hire to enhance the types of service that customer can enjoy through Tiger Airways. There are many other business activities done by Tiger Airways, which enrich the value of service provided by Tiger Airways and gain wide recognition among customers, this is the exact reason helps Tiger Airways be one of the leaders in South East Asia to provide low-cost airline service. Question 5: Common Cost-cutting Strategies According to many literatures, there are many different kinds of cost-cutting strategies, for instance, rationalization, standardization, central processing of transactions, technology application and cost management strategy (OBrien Datta 1989, p165). Therefore, related to low cost carriers, the common cost-cutting strategies can be presented as follows: Rationalization. To low cost carriers, non-value-added activities are removed and only do those value-added activities remain. For example, there is one rule in Tiger Airways that only is purchased food or drink is allowed. Standardization. Another strategy is to standardize the service of low cost carriers. It can be seen for Appendix 4 that the service of Tiger Airways is standardized, as extra services will be charged by a certain price. Central processing of transactions. Crucial processes are identified by low cost carriers that need to be focus on to provide the basic service to their customers. Technology application. New technology can be applied to reduce operational cost and even reduce the proportion of risk. As mentioned above, the 3-D weather radar is applied by Tiger Airways to increase the accuracy of weather prediction to reduce unnecessary loss by reason of bad weather (Tiger 2010). Cost management strategy. This strategy is used by low cost carriers to understanding the factors that affected the cost such as fuel, labour, distribution, inventory management, purchasing, and foreign exchange (IATA Training Portfolio). Take Tiger Airways as an example, the two main business regions are South East Asia and Australia. Therefore, the foreign exchange rate between AUS Dollar and SGD is a factor that cannot be neglected Another evidence stated in Tiger Airways 2010 annual report that by renewing contracts with airports, ground services, providers and other suppliers, and purchased two aircrafts from Airbus (own rather than lease), enabled Tiger Airways to further reduce operating cost. Three Future Strategies The strategies will be given according to Ansoffs product/market matrix. Source: Berger Roland., Kotler Philip., Bickhoff (2010). The Quintessence of Strategic Management. London: Springer Heigelberg. p36. Market Penetration. To Tiger Airways, it should use activities such as advertising, sales promotion to increase seat occupancy rate, which in turn will reduce the operating cost, this is the way to build strong core competencies. Market Development. It is evident in the case that market development is a suitable strategy for Tiger Airways to reduce operating cost and company development (Creedy 2001). By adding new airlines through joint ventures with other airline companies, it will give Tiger Airways have chance to benefit from advantages of other airline companies. Diversification. There are two main types of diversifications, related and unrelated diversification. Thus, To Tiger Airways, the company may use related diversification strategy to expand its business, such as to international express business. Through this strategy, the company can reduce the operating cost. References: Angwin Duncan., Cummings Stephen., Smith Chris (2007). The strategy pathfinder: core concepts and micro-cases. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp121-122. Annual report (2010). Chairmans statement. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] BBC (2010). Thailand red-shirts set out new conditions. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] BBC UK (2010). Are standing seats a standing joke? [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Beamish Karen., Williams John (2008). Analysis and Evaluation. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. pp76-77 Berger Roland., Kotler Philip., Bickhoff (2010). The Quintessence of Strategic Management. London: Springer Heigelberg. p36 Caneval Ventures. Models on the dynamics of innovation. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Collis J. David., Montgomery A. Cynthia (2005). Corporate strategy: a resource-based approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. P8. Creedy, S. (2001), Tiger Airways to start Thai low-cost airline, The Australian, [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Dunn Graham (2009). Low-cost carriers: Ready for battle. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] IATA Training Portfolio. Cost Reduction Strategies. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Kourdi Jeremy (2009). Business Strategy: A Guide to Taking Your Business Forward. 2nd ed. London: Profile Books Ltd. p3. Lowson H. Robert (2002). Strategic operations management: the new competitive advantage. 1st ed. Oxon: Routledge. p57 OBrien Richard., Datta Tapan (1989). International economics and financial markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p165. Robinson Peter (2009). Operations Management in the Travel Industry. Oxford: CAB International. p75. Tiger (2010). Tiger Airways to install advanced 3-D weather radar; first low-cost airline in Asia to use latest technology on A320s. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Wang Weijun (2007). Integration and innovation orient to e-society. New York: Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. p57. Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Figure 1: Airline Market Share by Type of Carrier Note: All others is primarily regional jet carriers but may include a small percentage of scheduled charter carriers. Source: M.R. Dayton, Trends and Demand in Aviation Markets, presentation at the ATCA/FAA/Nav Canada Technical Symposium, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2004. Appendix 3: Tiger Airways price: SIA price:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Nature of Man in Island of Dr. Moreau and Lord of the Flies E

Nature of Man Exposed in Island of Dr. Moreau and Lord of the Flies  Ã‚        Ã‚   Throughout the natural history of mankind, the human race has always held a notion of its predominance over all other creations of nature. Man has long believed that he is somehow morally superior to all other creatures, motivated by a higher source than basic instincts. Yet, the history of man is marked by an interminable string of events that would seem to contradict that theory: war, genocide, segregation, suppression, tyranny, the list goes on and on. Only a cursory look at man’s history is required to come to the conclusion that man is at least as cruel and savage as the beasts they strive to surpass. H.G. Wells in The Island of Dr. Moreau and William Golding in Lord of the Flies each attack man’s artificial superiority extensively. Both men believed that the beast itself resided in man’s soul, surfacing occasionally to produce the evil that man is capable of. Yet, the men approached this concept in two distinct manners, leading to differences in a number of key aspects of the ir respective theories, differences that could weigh heavily on the future of the human race. When H.G. Wells’ was asked what his motivation was for writing Moreau, he responded, "This story was but the response of an imaginative mind to the reminder that humanity is but animal rough-hewn to a reasonable shape and in perpetual conflict between instinct and injunction...It was written just to give the utmost possible vividness to that conception of man as hewn and confused and tormented beasts" (Batchelor 17). Inspired by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, Wells’ island tale of Dr. Moreau and his wild beasts carries a far deeper purpose than the simple survival story... ...." Critical Essays on William Golding. G.K. Hall & Co.: Boston, 1988. 22-29. Batchelor, John. "The Romances of the 1890’s." H.G. Wells. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1985. 17-21. Boyd, S.J. "The Nature of the Beast: Lord of the Flies (1954)." The Novels of William Golding. Harvester Wheatsheaf: New York, 1990. 1-23. Costa, Richard Hauer. "The Scientific Romances." H.G. Wells. Twayne Publishers: Boston, 1987. 35-39. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. Berkley Publishing Group: New York, 1954. Hynes, Samuel. "[William Golding’s Lord of the Flies]." Critical Essays on William Golding. G.K. Hall & Co.: Boston, 1988. 13-21. McConnell, Frank. "Evolutionary Fables." The Science Fiction of H.G. Wells. Oxford University Press: New York, 1981. 88-105. Wells, Herbert George. The Island of Dr. Moreau. Bantam Books: New York, 1994.      

Friday, October 11, 2019

Com reflection paper

I have had few classes in the past that gave me an overview of how to research and find creditable sources. In this class I learned not only how to research but also how to use my research in my academic paper. It was interesting to find more sources to use within the University of Phoenix Library. This course showed me a closer look at how I can use different sources to find creditable articles.This course gave me efferent way to keep track of what I want to use in my paper. One of which is the annotated bibliography. Annotated Bibliography help me understand exactly how I wanted to do my essay and which part of my resource I wanted to use in my essay. This course helped us develop our skills more further from what we had learned in our previous classed. Although I knew how to cite and reference my sources, I was still making mistake in my paper.This course and its instructor, Julia Unmans, wowed the proper way to cite and reference different courses. It helped me write reference w ithout using any converters, which helped me develop my skills. When it comes to writing a paper, I always want other to read my paper to make sure if I did the paper write. In this class, I got to talk to my classmates about my topic and share their ideas to narrow down the topic. It also helped me develop research questions. A peer review helped me realize my mistakes and develop more ideas.Those ideas not only helped write my paper In a different way, but it also showed me what else I need in my paper to make it a better essay. One of the things I really like about this class Is the feedback from the Instructor. Most Instructors will only show the mistakes in an assignment, but Julia showed me exactly what I did wrong and how I could fix It. Julia showed us the techniques that I wanted to learn before I move on to my next class. These skill and techniques are the one I took Into a count to use for my next classes.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

International Management Essay

Chapter 1 Q1. What are the differences between international, global, and multidomestic companies? Multinational company : An organization with multi country affiliates, each of which formulates its own business strategy based on perceived market differences. Global company : An organization that attempts to standardize and integrate operations worldwide in all functional areas. International company : Either a global or a multi domestic company Q2. Give examples to show how an international business manager might manipulate one of the controllable forces in answer to a change in the uncontrollable forces. Uncontrollable forces(External forces) : Physical/political/Sociocultural/Competitive/Economic/Socioeconomic/Distributive/Financial/Legal Manager can lobby for a changing a law and promoting a new product which requires changes in a cultural attitude. Q3. â€Å"A nation whose GNI is smaller than the sales volume of a global firm is in no position to enforce its wishes on the local subsidiary of that firm.† True or False? Explain. False. GNI is different from sales volume in terms of a calculation method. GNI is a measure of value added, not sales. And each subsidiary of global firms is also a local company that must comply with law in the country where it is located. Q4. Discuss the forces that are leading international firms to the globalization of their sourcing, production, and marketing. 5 major forces : Political, Technological, Market, Cost, and Competitive Followings are the five change-based drivers that are leading international firms to globalize their operations, with an example for each kind : (1)political-preferential trading agreements, (2)technological-advances in communications technology, (3)market-global firms become global customers, (4)cost-globalization of product line and production helps reduce costs by achieving economies of scale, and (5)competitive-firms are defending their home markets from foreign competitors by entering the foreign competitors’ markets. Q5. Business is business, and every firm has to produce and market its goods. Why, then, might managers be unable to apply the techniques and concepts they have learned in their own country to other areas of the world? Despite firms have knowledges and skills for business in own country, they might not be successful in foreign countries that have their own cultures and trends of consumption. Good example for this question is Wal-mart in Korea. The international environmental defined as the interactions (1)between the domestic environmental forces and the foreign environmental forces and (2)between the foreign environmental forces of two countries when an affiliate in one country does business with customers in another. Q6. What do you believe makes foreign business activities more complex than purely domestic ones? To make a decision in foreign country is more difficult than home country. They not only must take into account the domestic forces bot also must evaluate the influence of 10 foreign national environments. Q7. Discuss some possible conflicts between host governments and foreign-owned companies. I am the opinion that restrictions for subsidiaries of foreign companies are sensitive problems. For example, If a certain nation prohibits funding for foreign companies, conflicts will increase. And complains of foreign companies will also increase. On the other hands, If a certain nation is open to the funding for foreign companies, there will be some troubles with foreign companies about taxes and incentives. Q8. Why, in your opinion, do the authors regard the use of the self-reference criterion as â€Å"probably the biggest cause of international business blunders†? Can you think of an example? If I do business in overseas, I don’t know everything exactly concerning about foreign country’s culture, policy, social situations, economy, and trends. So, doing business well in foreign country is very difficult. Self-reference criterion means unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values when judging behaviors of others in a new and different environment. Managers’ unfamiliarity with other cultures, to make matters worse, some managers will ascribe to others their own preferences and reactions. For example, selling beefs by self-reference criterion business in Muslim countries will be failed. Q9. You have decided to take a job in your hometown after graduation. Why should you study international business? Owing to globalization trends in the worlds, and importance of relationship between domestic and foreign country, we have to study hard international business. I will take a job in home country. But I might have opportunities for business in overseas and meeting foreign buyers. Thus, to obtain other countries values, cultures, policies, and trends by studying international business is very important for me. Q10. Although forces in the foreign environment are the same as those in the domestic environment, they operate differently. Why is this so? I think that domestic environmental and foreign environmental are different in terms of domestic and foreign’s culture, and international environmental. When comparing with domestic environmental, operating company in the foreign country has different environments such as company’s market share, foreigner’s own culture, and growth in global. And domestic environmental is also originated in home country’s culture which effect on the companies. Q11. What examples of globalization can you identify within your community? How would you classify each of these examples(e.g., international investment, international trade)? – International investment : I could feel the globalization by watching the Coka-Cola in every super market. – International trade : FTA(Korea and Chile) is a good example for international trade. This free trade agreements is mutually profitable for each nations Q12. Why is there opposition to globalization of trade and integration of the world’s economy? Please assess the major arguments for and against such globalization efforts. I think that this argument against globalization is originated by the different people’s valules and concepts. This argument can be examined by three primary ones (1) that globalization has produced uneven results across nations and people (2) that globalization has had deleterious effects on labor and labor standards (3) that globalization has contributed to a decline in environmental and health conditions. Chapter 2 Q1. How large and important a role do small and mediumsize enterprises play in generating export sales? The proportion of generating export sales from the SMEs in the U.S.A increased constantly. According to the Exporter Data Base in the text book, Of total exporters, 218,382 were SMEs(small and medium-size enterprises). It is 97 percent of all U.S.A exporters. Q2. How has trade in merchandise and services changed over the past decade? What have been the major trends? How might this information be of value to a manager? Although the economic growth of global has slowdowned in the 2000, the absolute value of their merchandise exports increased, the proportion of exports coming from the regions of Latin America, Africa, and Middle East decreased between 1980 and 2004. The largest exporters and importers of merchandise are generally developed countries. The results of services exports are similar with merchandise exports. Regionalization of trade is increasing more and more. It is accounted for over 70 percent by 2005. Further, South and East Asia’s share of the world’s manufacturing value added has nearly quadrupled since 1980. From this information the managers may be prepared for the increased competition from exports to their own domestic markets. Q3. â€Å"The greater part of international trade consists of an exchange of raw materials from developing nations for manufactured goods from developed nations.† True? or false? Explain. False. This is correct partially. More than half the exports from developing nations go to developed countries. Also, over 70% of exports from developed economies go to other industrialized nations Q4. â€Å"The volume of exports has increased, but the ranking of U.S. trading partners in order of importance remains the same year after year.† True or false? Of what use in this information to a manager? False. Of the top 15 nations, 8 have remained on the list over the years listed, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Brazil. However, each nation’s ranking has changed over time, and some new nations have been added to replace other nations that have become relatively less important as trade partners. Q5. What is the value of analyzing foreign trade data? For example, what should the quadrupling in real terms of exports in less than 35 years indicate to managers? The analysis information would be helpful to anyone just starting to search outside the home market for new business opportunities by studying the general growth and direction of trade and analyzing major trading partners. Q6. Knowing that a nation is a major trading partner of another signifies what to a marketing analyst? There are advantages to focusing attention on a nation that is already a sizable purchaser of another country – The business climate in the importing nation is relatively favorable – Export and import regulations are not insurmountable – There should be no strong cultural objections to buying that nation’s good – Satisfactory transportation facilities have already been established Q7. What are the different components of foreign investment? Why has the distinction between them begun to blur in recent years? It can be divided into two components : First is portfolio investment and second is direct investment. 1. Portfolio investment : The purchase of stocks and bonds to obtain a return on the funds invested. 2. Direct investment : The purchase of sufficient stock in a firm to obtain significant management control. Because of globalization in recent years, the distinction beetween them begun to blur. Q8. How has the level and direction of FDI changed over the past decade, both overall and in terms of annual outflows and inflows? Why would this information be of relevance to managers? Annual FDI outflows hit a historical high in 2000-$1,201 billion. However, By 2002, the total was only $647 billion, only about 54 percent of the 2000  figure because of a subsequent decline in the overall level of annual FDI flows. Outflows significantly increased to $730 billion by 2004. The vast proportion of outward FDI, over 87 percent, originates from the developed countries. This data has been associated with mergers, acquisitions; purchasing of companies in other nations. In annual inflows’ case, developed countries have been alse occupying over 70 percent of annual FDI investments. Recently for managers, important issues related to inflows are trend that proportion of Asian FDI that has been directed to China and its territories. Their combined proportion of Asian FDI grew from 52.4 percent during 1985-1995 to 75 percent in 2004. Q9. Why has FDI historically followed foreign trade? What is it about the new international business environment that is causing this path to market expansion to change? Reason is that engaging in foreign trade is typically less costly and less risky than making a direct investment into foreign markets. Also, management can expand the business in small increments rather than through the considerably greater amounts of investment and market size that a foreign production facility requires. Generally, because the local market would not be large enough to support local production by all the firms exporting to it, the situation would become one of seeing who could begin manufacturing there first. Q10. Why has most foreign direct investment gone into acquiring existing companies rather than establishing new ones? 1) Corporate restructuring in the United States caused management to put on the market businesses or other assets. 2) Foreign companies wanted to gain rapid access in the United States to advanced technology, especially in computers and communications 3) Management of foreign firms felt that entrance into the large and prosperous American market could be more successful 4) Increased international competitive pressures also could be reasons for this question. Q11. What are the main reasons that a firm might enter into foreign markets? First reason is to increase their profits and sales (Enter new markets / Obtain greater profits / Test market) Second is to protect markets, profits, and sales (Protect domestic market / Attack in competitor’s home market / Protect foreign markets / Guarantee supply of raw materials / Acquire technology and management know-how / geographic diversification / Satisfy management’s desire for expansion) Q12. What are in-bond plants? Why might they be an attractive alternative for a manufacturing company? In-bond plants, often called maquiladoras, is production facilities in Mexico that temporarily import raw materials, components, or parts duty-free to be manufactured, processed, or assembled with less expensive local labor, after which the finished or semifinished product is exported. Because the Mexican government permitted duty-free importation of parts and materials from the USA within the in-bond plant, provided that the finished products were re-exported. Q13. How can a firm protect its domestic market by investing overseas? When companies face competitor which has lower price advantage in domestic, companies can break this difficult situation by using advantages of overseas investments.(cheap labor cost, raw material, and etc.) Q14. What are the seven dimensions along which management can globalize? How is it possible for a firm to be multidomesic on one dimension of globalization and global on another? There are at least seven dimensions : 1) product, 2) market, 3) promotion, 4) where value is added to the product, 5) competitive strategy, 6) use of non-home-country personnel, and 7) extent of global ownership in the firm. The possibilities range from zero standardization(multidomestic) to standardization along all seven dimensions(completely global). The challenge for company managers is to determine how far the firm should go with each one. Chapter 3 Q1. Describe mercantilism, and explain why mercantilism has been argued to be a poor approach to use in order to promote economic development and prosperity. Mercantilism is an economic system (Europe in 18th century) to increase a nation’s wealth by government regulation of all of the nation’s commercial interests. Mercantilism that stressed governments’ promotion of limitation of imports from other nations and internal economies in order to improve tax revenues; popular during 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. The Paradox of Mercantilism is to be â€Å"rich† a country needed to have a lot of poor people. Mercantilism failed to understand the notions of absolute advantage and comparative advantage and the benefits of trade. For instance, Portugal was a far more efficient producer of wine than England, while in England it was relatively cheaper to produce cloth. Thus if Portugal specialized in wine and England in cloth, both states would end up better off if they traded. This is an example of the reciprocal benefits of trade due to a comparative advantage. In modern economic theory, trade is not a zero-sum game of competition, because both sides can benefit. Q2. a. Explain Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage. The ability of a country, individual, company or region to produce a good or service at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service. Entities with absolute advantages can produce something using a smaller number of inputs than another party producing the same product. As such, absolute advantage can reduce costs and boost profits. b. How does Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage differ from the theory of absolute advantage? Absolute advantage and comparative advantage are two basic concepts to international trade. Under absolute advantage, one country can produce more output per unit of productive input than another. With comparative advantage, if one country has an absolute (dis)advantage in every type of output, the other might benefit from specializing in and exporting those products, if any exist. A country has an absolute advantage economically over another, in a particular good, when it can produce that good at a lower cost. Using the same input of resources a country with an absolute advantage will have greater output. Assuming this one good is the only item in the market, beneficial trade is impossible. An absolute advantage is one where trade is not mutually beneficial, as opposed to a comparative advantage where trade is mutually beneficial. A country has a comparative advantage in the production of a good if it can produce that good at a lower opportunity cost relative to another country. The theory of comparative advantage explains why it can be beneficial for two parties (countries, regions, individuals and so on) to trade if one has a lower relative cost of producing some good. What matters is not the absolute cost of production but the opportunity cost, which measures how much production of one good, is reduced to produce one more unit of the other good. c. Using the example from the chapter, explain why no gains from specialization exist(and thus why two countries could not trade in a manner that benefits each) if there is no pattern of comparative advantage(if the ratios of soybeans to cloth production are the same in the two countries). China has an absolute advantage in producing both soybeans and cloth. If there is a trade between 2 countries according to comparative advantage theory, United States will have 4 tons of soybeans and 5 bolts of cloth. On the other hand, China will have 4 tons of soybeans and 5 bolts of cloth. Therefore, china will have a loss for their total soybeans compared with before trading the products. Q3. Consider the case in which a country does not have a comparative advantage in the production of a product, such as apples, because its soils or climate are not appropriate. Explain who would be likely to favor free trade, and who would be likely to oppose free trade, in this product. – Favor to free trade : countries which has a comparative advantage in production of a product, such as apples. – Opposite to free trade : countries which has a comparative disadvantage in production of a product, such as apples. Q4. What is the relationship between the Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theory and the theories in question 2? It builds on David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage by predicting patterns of commerce and production based on the factor endowments of a trading region. The model essentially says that countries will export products that utilize their abundant and cheap factors of production and import products that utilize the countries’ scarce factors. Q5. Why were Leontief’s empirical results considered to be paradoxical? In 1954, Leontief found that the U.S. (the most capital-abundant country in the world by any criteria) exported labor-intensive commodities and imported capital-intensive commodities, in contradiction with Heckscher-Ohlin theory. Q6. Why does most of the world’s international trade take place between economies that are similar in their level of economic development? According to the Linder’s demand-oriented theory, The reason is 1) income levels of both nations 2) overlapping demand. Because an entrepreneur will produce goods to meet demand, the kinds of products manufactured reflect the country’s level of income per capital. Goods produced for domestic  consumption will eventually be exported, due to similarity of income levels and therefore demand in other countries. Q7. Name some products that you believe have passed through the four stages of the international product life cycle. Telegraphy. I read recently how Western Union sent the last telex / telegram in 2006, so that definitely qualifies to decline. You can literally see how this expanded based upon rail and cable laying; and didn’t start in all places on earth (let alone a single country) simultaneously; and continued to be a viable business in some countries long after voice, fax, then email and SMS replaced such. Q8. What factors increase the cost of trading goods and services across borders? Can these costs be reduced? How? I think that import/export tariffs, subsidies, expensive transaction costs, and etc are factors which increase the cost of trading goods and services across borders. This factors which occur costs can be reduced by free trade agreements(FTA) or regional trade agreements such as NAFTA, EU. It will reduce unnecessary costs and encourage trading among nations. Q9. It seems that free, unrestricted international trade, in which each nation produces and exports products for which it has a comparative advantage, will enable everyone to have a higher level of living. Why, then, does every country have import duty restrictions? Because many nation did not produce other nation’s product and the nation has lower qualities or a lot of cost better than other nation’s product. In case that many nation needs other nation’s product. At the trading among the nations, there are a lot of problems. For example, economical, historical problems, political and so on. If a nation has infant industry. For example, farming which is needed to develop for domestic market, The nation can be protect the industry from competitive companies by having import duty restrictions. And then, their nation’s infrastructure can be collapse. For  fair competition, nation have to improve the balance of the trading. Q10. â€Å"We certainly need defense industries, and we must protect them from import competition by placing restrictions on competitive imports.† True or false? Is there an alternative to trade restrictions that might make more economic sense? I think that it may be not true. All is not certainly, If nation’s competitive industry help income of nation that select and improve nation’s industry. A nation trading needs of basic infrastructure among the nations. And then, About tariff of the trading remove or a little portion levy. Q11. Suppose that a country negotiates an agreement with its trade partners to restrict its imports through voluntary export restrictions(VERs). What impacts might be expected from implementing such VERs? VER(Voluntary Export Restriction) mean’s that exporting nation restricted quantities of export and list of article. In case that at nation’s exporting product surplus or insufficiency in a given situation. In a surplus situation, nation should be restricted for their quantities. In a insufficiency situation, nation make some increasing demand and higher cost. Q12. â€Å"Workers are paid $20 an hour in the United States but only $4 in Taiwan. Of course we can’t compete. We need to protect our jobs from cheap foreign labor.† What are some possible problems with this statement? In a given situation, cheaper product come round in our nation. At the same time, our nation’s job of labor disappeared. LDC(Lower Develope Country) has cheaper wage that supply more profi better than industrialization nation. But Many industrialization nation has higher wage and lower productivity. Production costs may actually be higher in a low-wage. Q13. There are two general classifications of import duties : tariff and non-tariff barriers. a. Describe the various types of tariff barriers. An ad valorem tariff is a set percentage of the value of the good that is being imported. Sometimes these are problematic, as when the international price of a good falls, so does the tariff, and domestic industries become more vulnerable to competition. Conversely, when the price of a good rises on the international market so does the tariff, but a country is often less interested in protection when the price is higher. A specific tariff, is a tariff of a specific amount of money that does not vary with the price of the good. These tariffs are vulnerable to changes in the market or inflation unless updated periodically. A revenue tariff is a set of rates designed primarily to raise money for the government. A tariff on coffee imports imposed by countries where coffee cannot be grown, for example raises a steady flow of revenue. A protective tariff is intended to artificially inflate prices of imports and protect domestic industries from foreign competition (see also effective rate of protection,) especially from competitors whose host nations allow them to operate under conditions that are illegal in the protected nation, or who subsidize their exports. b. What are some of the nontariff barriers? Non-tariff barriers may also be in the form of product standards and technical regulations, which may dictate particular manufacturing guidelines or product specifications. If products do not meet the given requirements, they will face an import ban. Examples of this sort are the European Union restrictions on genetically-modified organisms or beef treated with growth hormones. Q14. â€Å"A firm entering the market first will soon dominate it, and the large market share it acquires will enable it to obtain the benefits of economies of scale.† True or false? Remember that there are at least two studies showing that first movers held large market shares. True. First-mover advantage theory is economic and strategic advantage gained by being the first company to enter an industry. However, If only the firm possess core strategies such as superior technology, knowledge about local market, and other advantages over indigenous firms. It could be failure that you awkwardly enter the market for the first mover without these strategies. This conclusion will bring about more advantage opportunities to the second mover who has been indirectly experienced the failure of first mover. It is never true that only the first mover strategy is the best theory. Q15. According to theories presented in this chapter, why do companies engage in foreign direct investment? For defensive reason, Refer to the international product life cycle theory. International investement as well as international trade. Refer to the eclectic theory of international production, the company must have location and ownership advantages to invest in a foreign plant. It will invest where it is most profitable in internalize. It is monopolistic advantage. Chapter 4 Q1. What are some reasons that business people should be aware of important international institutions? International institutions have resolved conflicts among nations. It is very important to make business internationally. International institutions has also valuable data which apply to business. Q2. Even though the UN is best known for peace keeping missions, it has many agencies involved in activities affecting business. In your judgement, do these activities justify support for the UN? Would it be better if the activities of these agencies were done by private entities such as trade groups? The UN has helped some countries which need support to make their industry by funding and teaching knowledges. This activities justify support for the UN because UN has a number of informations which is originated by connections of other counties. Q3. How did the WTO come into existence? What purpose does it serve? Would bilateral trading agreements work better than the multilateral WTO approach? The Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 proposed the creation of an International Trade Organization (ITO) to establish rules and regulations for trade between countries. The ITO charter was agreed at the UN Conference on Trade and Employment in Havana in March 1948, but was blocked by the U.S. Senate (WTO, 2004b). Some historians have argued that the failure may have resulted from fears within the American business community that the International Trade Organization could be used to regulate, rather than liberate, big business (Lisa Wilkins, 1997; Helen Milner 1993). Only one element of the ITO survived: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Seven rounds of negotiations occurred under GATT before the eighth round – the Uruguay Round – concluded in 1995 with the establishment of the WTO as the GATT’s replacement. The GATT principles and agreements were adopted by the WTO, which was charged with administering and extending them. Unlike the GATT, the WTO has a substantial institutional structure. I think that the multilateral trading agreements is better than bilateral trading agreements because there will be no discrimination to all WTO members. Q4. What are the four main organs of the EU, and what is the purpose of each? 1. European Parliament: to pass European laws, voice of the European people in EU 2. Council of European Union: policy setting, voice of the member states, where decisions on foreign policy and security issues are made 3. European Commission: represents the interest of Europe as a whole, runs the day to day operations of EU 4. European Court of Justice: court that decides cases related to EU policies Q5. What is the impact of the EU on business? The European Union has had a significant influence on international trade, especially in respect of the countries that are member states in the Union. Internally, trading between the member states within the European Union has become less restrictive, because of the laws and regulations passed. Globally, the European Union has created a power that can compete internationally with superpowers such as the United States. Q6. The U.S. Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement despite strong opposition from organized labor. Why would labor have opposed NAFTA? I think a reason why is that they (organized labor) want to obtain working visa in North America. Q7. What is the importance of the OECD for business? OECD promotes economic expansion and provides a number of economic information/researches which can support and help its country members. Q8. Mercosur’s major trading partner is the EU rather than the United States. Why might this be the case? Mercosur is based on the EU and can trade several countries in the EU. Q9. How might a small business person in Des Moines, Iowa, who is exporting agricultural products find useful the international institutions and agreements that this chapter describes? 1. To find out which countries is available for a business person to export their productions. 2. To protect their products from other foreign competitors.